Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Are Essential Oils Cheaper Than Otc Meds?

So I've been doing a lot of research lately. I've been into essential oils for years and making my own diaper cream, stretch mark cream, and all kinds of things. I asked for the Young Living premium starter kit for Christmas and I couldn't wait so I got it sooner haha. A friend asked me if there were any oils that were cheaper than over the counter meds. I was like I have no idea, let me look. This whole time I've been thinking that oils are probably more expensive, but they're natural so I'm totally okay with that. I was wrong guys lol. 

So here is some of my research. I just picked out a few over the counter drugs that essential oils can be used for instead, then calculated price per dose, and compared them. They can be used for a million other things, but here are just some good comparisons.

Lemon essential oil can be used for reducing a child's fever (Children's Tylenol), getting mucous and stuff out because it's good for drainage (Mucinex), and for weight loss (Hydroxycut). 

Peppermint essential oil can be used to reduce fever and pain (Tylenol), for heartburn (Zantac), and nausea and other belly issues (Tums). Did you know that Tums is actually a category C in pregnancy? Kinda scary.

Thieves essential oil blend is a really useful for keeping the sickies away. You can use it when you first feel a cold coming on (Zicam), for cold sores (Abreva), and for oral pain (Oragel). I actually made a diluted coconut oil cream with this for Rowan's gums and it's awesome. Haven't touched Tylenol or Oragel since.

Lavender is helpful for allergies (Benadryl and Zyrtec) and sleep (Melatonin). 

Seriously I didn't know this info before doing some research. Let me know if you want to see more comparisons of oils or over the counter meds. Leave suggestions in the comments!

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